The Honeybadger is reputedly the world's most fearless animal, chiefly due to its penchant for attacking animals much larger than itself. This includes lions and even crocodiles!
When they're not taking on all comers, they are often found moseying around their natural habitat of arid grasslands and savannahs...
Occasionally, they are found shoving exorbitant amounts of cash into pre-flop pots at our $25/$50 AoF Tables...
And once in a blue moon, they are seen making Straight Flushes and striking it BIG in our AoF Jackpot... to the tune of $80,602.49!

Congratulations to h0neybadger for living up to his moniker, and being fearless enough to put it all on the line with his Suited Gapper.
Our AoF Games run all day, everyday - come test your mettle and take your best shot at our AoF Jackpot!