GGNetwork prides itself on its diverse array of Tournaments that caters to all tastes, and price ranges. We have Daily Guarantees for those in search of big guaranteed paydays, Bounty Hunters for the combative, Omaholics for the PLO gamblers, T$ Builders for the tournament grinders, and Chinese Zodiac Freerolls for the penny pinchers.
However, one suggestion that kept surfacing lately was for a Daily Mini Main Event with a smaller buyin - something that could really appeal to the masses. After much contemplation and planning by our veteran team of Tournament experts, we have decided to oblige…
On August 20, we will be relaunching our Daily Mini Main Event with a reduced buyin of $22. This provides an affordable alternative to the Daily Main Event $88, while retaining the upside of a huge payday, with $3,000 in guarantees!
And we didn’t just stop there. We also decided to reduce the starting stack from 200bbs to 100bbs and reduce the late registration period from 3 hours to 2 hours. This means i) no more meaningless levels, with everyone nitting it up waiting for premium hands, and ii) keeping the Tournament running time to a reasonable length.
Finally, if the $22 buy-in is still above your price range, not to worry - we have scheduled 2 satellites for both the Daily Mini Main Event and the Daily Main Event, to run just prior to each event. More details on the revamped Daily Mini Main Event and the satellites below: