Our Big Hand Jackpot of the Week comes to you from our $2 / $4 Hold'em tables, via a thrilling runner-runner Royal Flush.
Pre-flop: Hero finds himself sitting pretty on the button, holding AcQc… his standard open is met by resistance from the Small Blind in the form of a 3-bet… after some deliberation, Hero decides to play it safe and just call...
Flop: The flop comes Qs10c10h… not the most favorable flop in a 3-bet pot, but certainly good enough to call Villain’s ⅓ pot c-bet...
Turn: Jc on the turn brings with it a world of potential, as Hero is now drawing to a straight, a full house, a flush, and most importantly is just a single card away from making the immortal Royal Flush… both players proceed with caution...
River: Hero does a double take as Kc peels on the river… Villain stabs ½ pot… the other players at the table are going bezerk at the possibility of a runner-runner Royal Flush… Hero’s eyes are swirling with $$$ signs… with his Big Hand Jackpot Payout of $4,070.30 locked up Hero decides to get greedy with a 4x raise… Villain insta-mucks, but no matter, Hero’s Royal Flush + the main pot nets him a cool $4,382.20!

Congratulations Smellycat for being the recipient of this week’s Big Hand Jackpot of the Week!